A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Welcome to Dorman

For centuries, the storms have clouded the peaks of Dorman, preventing any who wish to see the sigils the ancients inscribed in the sky.

But today, the tempest has quelled and you, TX-97, are ready to see the mystic symbols of old. Built to scale, you will climb any mountain blocking your path.

The Goal

Simply make your way to the peak, avoiding any and all obstacles. If you ever get softlocked, feel free to leave through the pause menu (Escape Key) .

Detailed Tutorial

(If the in-game version doesn't suffice.)


Left & Right Arrow Keys: Movement

Up Arrow Key: Jump

W Key: Toggle between ball form and walker form

A & D Key: Spam to trudge up snowy slopes

S Key: Shoot and retract ropes

Escape Key: Pause & Cancel rope shoot


Ball - Fast, good for building speed. Can climb up rocky walls, but is weak on ice.

Walker - Slow, but more precise. Can jump and trudge up snowy slopes, as well as launch ropes.


Mac Build (Old) 57 MB
Windows Build (Old) 24 MB
Linux Build 25 MB
Mac Build (New) 56 MB
Windows Build (New) 24 MB

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